
Retirement planning

Written by Wayne Johnson MBA CFP® AEP® CAP® Financial Planner | May 7, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Syverson Strege is intentional about understanding our clients’ values and what really matters to them. The technical strategies our planners provide are the key to helping our clients achieve their desired outcomes.

So let’s talk about a hypothetical example of how Syverson Strege merges the clearly understood values and professionally developed strategies to help our clients lead enriched and empowered lives.

Imagine our hypothetical clients, Jill and Tim. Jill is an executive at a large local firm and Tim is a well-paid medical professional. They are recent empty nesters and are beginning to consider what retirement might look like for them. When they came to us, they could not describe the type of retirement they were hoping to have, let alone how it might be funded. They had been participating in the retirement plans of their employers and had some personal investments earmarked for retirement, but they didn’t have a roadmap for how to get there. Tim was also concerned about their security if one of them suffered a serious health event, as he had observed other friends with health challenges.

Once Jill and Tim engaged the planning process, they finally had the discussion of their goals for the second half of their lives. Once they were clear on what they wanted, their retirement projections revealed they were on track to be financially secure sooner than they had expected.

This was great news to Jill and Tim! It meant they had choices. Tim was energized by his work and wanted to continue until his mid to late 60’s, perhaps slowing down near the end of that period. Jill, on the other hand, was beginning to experience burnout in her job. She was ready to spend her time and energy differently in the next few years. Syverson Strege helped her identify a date that made sense for her to start a retirement transition that would allow her to spend time helping with grandkids, working with a women’s shelter they supported, and acting as the travel director for their family. She was able to identify that date, and she and Tim are now comfortably and confidently moving into this new chapter of their lives together.

Let’s review the key elements of this encouraging story. First, Jill and Tim took the time to have discussions, along with the help of their planner, to gain clarity on what was important to them. Second, a thorough analysis helped them understand the facts of their circumstances.

Finally, they were able to make important decisions for their lives with confidence because they defined their values, stated their goals, and sought advice on how to achieve them.

Partner with Syverson Strege to Achieve Your Retirement Goals

Our certified financial planners and practitioners understand that each retirement plan is unique. We listen to your goals, current situation and where you’d like to end up to calculate an actionable retirement plan that works for you. If you have questions about how much to save for retirement, when you should start retiring or you’d like to speak to one of our financial advisors, contact Syverson Strege today and get started with the second half of your life.