• Financial Planner Tyler Conley, MBA, CFP®, CEPA®, explains the details of tax-sensitive investment models. He also explains how Syverson Strege manages IRAs and Roth IRAs differently than non-qualified investment accounts and why we maintain two different investment portfolio models.

    Tax-sensitive Investment Models

    by Tyler Conley, MBA, CFP®, CEPA®, Financial Planner | April 26, 2021

    Duration: 1:59

    Show Notes

    Financial Planner Tyler Conley, MBA, CFP®, CEPA®, explains the details of tax-sensitive investment models. He explains how Syverson Strege manages IRAs and Roth IRAs differently than non-qualified investment accounts and why we maintain two different investment portfolio models.

    Tyler also outlines why mutual funds usually generate higher tax liabilities and the types of investments Syverson Strege sometimes suggests as alternatives such as tax-sensitive mutual funds, ETFs, and municipality bonds which make up the dynamic tax-sensitive models.

    Finance Moment…Syverson Strege’s mini-podcasts to provide rapid-fire information on financial topics of the day.

    Tyler Conley, MBA, CFP®, CEPA®, Financial Planner

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